
Eight Reasons Strategies to Not Go Office

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Suffering from the flu because it was feared the most vulnerable to infectious, then the reason for this pain to be more acceptable to stay home from work

YOU feel the body was not fit. But the reason you say may not trusted by your boss. Then for reasons such as what would be trusted and does not damage with another people trust to you?

Surely you have experienced this event. You wake up at night and did not feel well. Your body temperature rises, chills, and hot and cold. Your throat or your stomach feels sick and twisted. You may wish that the pain will be gone tomorrow so you can keep working. 've Imagined in your head, how many jobs would be abandoned if you do not come to work. However, if you really have to force myself to come to work?

The majority of companies can survive if there is actually one of its employees who did not come to work. You probably already know this. But maybe you worry if there is important work and eventually abandoned or afraid to pile up your credibility as a good employee so slightly disturbed.

It is true, a sick employee is not productive and makes it "useless" for the company. But if you keep forcing yourself to work, could have you suffered infectious disease to other employees. Read More

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