You'd think that the smartest man in the world is a Da Vinci, John Stuart Mills, Or Albert Einstein, or even Bill Gates. Everything was considered jenus-genius who has given much greater influence on their respective fields. But the degree of human genius world has ever had it was still feasible given to William James Sidis.
Who is he? Why his name is less known though drowning and reached the range IQnya numbers 250-300?Sidis miracle begins when she can feed herself with a spoon at the age of 8 months. At the age of less than two years, Sidis have made the New York Times as a friend breakfast. Since that time subscribed his name to a newspaper headline: write several books before the age of eight years, including about Anatomy and astronomy. At the age of 11 years Sidis accepted at Harvard University as the youngest student. Harvardpun then awed by his genius when Sidis gave a lecture on the Four Dimensions body in front of the professor of mathematics. More intense longer: Sidis understand the language of the world's 200 species and can translate that very quickly and easily. He could learn a language as a whole in a day. Read More